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The Sport Parent - Aug 26th 7pm

08/11/2015, 5:00pm EDT
By HLL Admin

Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Leadership, Inspire, Build Confidence, Pursue Excellence, Respect, Maximize Potential, Motivate Success, Competitiveness, Team, 

Is your child having a positive experience in sports?  What type of environment are you creating for your child to help him/her thrive in THEIR athletic experience?

In this “must-see” workshop, Dr. Dale, one of our nation’s leading sport psychology consultants and peak performance coaches, will speak to the significance of the coach-athlete-parent triangle. Dr. Dale will discuss lessons parents want children to learn from sport and the importance of modeling those lessons, as well as effective goal-setting that parents can use with their children to positively impact their children’s athletic experience.

This workshop is for:

  • Parents who want to examine the role they play as a sport parent and learn practical strategies to make their child’s sport experience a positive one.

  • Athletes or performers seeking to maximize their potential.

  • Coaches looking for ways to enhance team cohesion and leadership on their team.

  • Administrators attempting to develop more credible coaches and help parents keep sport in perspective.

Coaching you to be your best!

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